Wednesday, January 23, 2013

To Juice or not to Juice

Juice, To Juice or not to Juice that is the question
We have been lead to believe that a glass of juice in moderation is healthy for us. That it can fill our need for a serving of fruit and/or veggies but is juice really that healthy?
Pretty much every single juice on the market has sugar as the second or third ingredient. (this means that it is the second or third largest amount in the container. so if sugar is the second third fourth or even ninth ingredient on the label there is ALOT of sugar in it.)
Sugar is your ENEMY not your friend. sugar messes with your insulin levels but also leads to suppressing your immune system, stimulates insulin which promotes fat storage, and among many other things stimulates triglyceride levels with can lead to cardiovascular problems.
You might read that label and think that sugar is not listed on it at all but do you know all the names for sugar? Sucrose, dextrose, and high-fructose corn syrup are among these names that are all essentially sugar.
you might be surprised at all the things you buy in the grocery store that can have ALOT of sugar in them: Bread, Mayonnaise, ketsup, spaghetti sauce and microwave meals.
However there are a select few that I find to be okay (not great just okay) in moderation. Naked is a company making fruit juice that i enjoy once in a while. they are organic use recyclable bottles and don't add any sugar (all sugars come form the fruit inside the drink)
But if you really want the best possible juice for your body make it yourself. This really is a simple thing to do. First get a good quality juicer, decide the types of fruits and veggies that you would like to juice. learn how to operate and clean your juicer. get a good mesh strainer(or not if you don't mind the foamy pulp).
Don't add anything but fruit and veggies to your mix.
Fresh made fruit juice can also help to detox and clean out your body. keeping you healthy, helping to prevent sickness, and jump starting weight loss. you can make juice from a single fruit or veggy or mix and match to your taste. some examples are:
apple, pear.  apple, pear and pineapple. apple and cranberry. apple and orange apple and carrot.ect.
however not all fruit and veggies are juice able. some just produce so little juice that it would take pounds and pounds to acquire enough juice to drink others the pulp is way to hard to separate from the juice to get a real juice out of them.some unjuiceables are: papaya, coconut, banana, strawberry, cantaloupe, honeydew, peach, plum/prune, apricot, and avocado.
you might disagree and say that you know they sell prune juice in the store or strawberry banana. but next time you go down the juice isle look at the actual ingredients in these juices and you will see that what they really are is the pulp from these juices added to other juices and water.
So in conclusion yes you can drink juice but you need to really read the bottle(not just the ingredients) or make it yourself. 

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