Wednesday, January 23, 2013


New years is on January first as everyone knows but i bet you never thought of it as having any special meaning.
The start of a new year on your calender no matter which one you go by can be very special indeed. Start your new year off with a clean and cleansed house to make way for a great year. Make a resolution for the new year and post it where you can see it everyday until you make it come true or so that it reminds you everyday. For example my resolution this year is to not have scroungy lazy days. A lazy day is one thing but even a lazy day gets lazier when you don't get up and get ready. so I have challenged myself to get up every morning one hour before my children and get myself ready to face the day. by doing this I find that I manage to keep the house at least as clean as it was when I woke up without any real effort. The other part of my resolution is to make more time for my children, time spent even at the grocery store can be a interactive and learning time spent with a child. 
Some people this year might be paranoid or just worried about the many apocalyptic predictions out there.  From Nostradamus to the Mayan calender, I am telling you there is nothing to worry about. I don't put much faith in Nostradamus nobody has ever stopped a tragedy form happening because they read his works and knew what it meant. No people only look at what he wrote after something has happened and say that the recent event could have been what he was trying to say but i find fault in all of his writings and don't see as how a single one ever came true. 
As for the Mayan calender it ends on the winter solstice in December this year. It does not say that the world ends its just that was as far as they wrote out the calender. 
Many argue that the Mayan were a highly advanced group of people and that they could have read the stars and made this prediction. Well guess what I can read the stars as well and as for them being highly advanced they where no more advanced then many great ancient civilizations, look in to some ancient civilizations and you will see there were many many of them that were doing great things but not all of them preformed human sacrifice. the Mayan were not as far advanced as one might at first believe if you look at other groups of people most notably the Egyptians.

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