Wednesday, January 23, 2013

some natural cleaning tips

Clean your bathroom with:

Make a air freshner for the bathroom by cutting a orange in half removing the fruit to leave behing the skin and fill with salt.
Help to remove stains on the counter top by using salt as a mild abrasve.

Baking soda:

Use baking soda instead of toothpaste to really clean.
Use baking soda to wash your hands and get off grease and oil.
Clean the bathroom garbage with bakingsoda to get rid of the odors. then sprinkle a little in the bottom of the can before adding a new liner to keep oders away.
use baking soda to clean your bathroom floor as well, add 1/3 cup bakingsoda to warm water mop, rinse, and dry for clean floors. or to remove scruff marks use baking soda on a damp sponge and gently rub away.
Pour bakingsoda down the bathroom drain with warm water to keep odors away.
Clean the shower curtain with bakingsoda on a sponge. rinse well.


Clean and shine your bathroom crome with white vinager and salt. make a past and scrub.
clean off counter tops with a rag soaked in white vinager.
Clean the drain with bakingsoda and vinager. pour bakingsoda down drain followed by warm vinager. let soak for three to five minutes then rinse with warm water.
to remove calcuim and lime deposits soak a rag in vinager and wrap around area tightly. let sit and soak for a couple hour to a full eight hours depending on severity of deposits.
remove soap build up from bathroom by scrubbing with a mixture of salt and vinager
get rid of lime biuld up on faucests by soaking them in vinager for a few hours. try butting the vinager in a plasticbag and tying it around the faucets.
shine your porcelain sinks with vinager.
Rinse away soapy build up with vinager and water.
clean grout by letting vinager sit on it and scrubbing with toothbrush.
Kill germs in the bathroom. with full strenght vinager.
Clean the bathtub with vinager to getrid of the build up.
spray the shower glass door with vinager before you get in to loosen the hard water on it.
get rid of really tough tub rings by wiping it with vinager then scrubbing with bakingsoda.
Clean the shower door tracks by pouring vinager into them and letting them sit for a few hours then witha toothbrush and warm water clean them up.
to clean a shower head try using bakingsoda and vinager in a bag (sandwich bags work best) tied around the shower head when the bubbling has stopped remove the bag and wash off the shower head. get rid of the smell in the toilet bowl by letting one cup of vinager set in it for a few hours.
clean off the build up and grim in the toilet bowl by making a past out of borox and white vinager. remover part of the water in the bowl so you can get to the mess and pack on the paste let it set for several hours and whip away the paste as well as the mess.
pour seveal cups of vinager in the toiler bowl and let sit overnight. then scrub the bowl clean.
Have freash and clean air in the bathroom by sparaying a mixture of one teaspoon bakingsoda, one tablespoon white vinager and one cup water.
apply vinager straight to linoleum stains and let sit for fifteen to twenty minutes. If this does not work try pouring vinager on the stain and then adding backingsoda on top of it. then scrub the stain away.
wash your walls with straight vinager to get rid of lingering odors

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