Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Some tips for magical everyday cooking

  • Always add three bay leaves instead of one, three is a magical number.
  • Stir with a wooden spoon and use it as a exstention of your arm to add your energy and will to what you are making.
  • know the properties of the spices and other ingrediants that you are putting in your food and will them to work for you.
  • when picking herbs for your kitchen to grow make sure to add basil and keep it on your window sill to bring prosperity to your home.
    Make directional stirring second nature. If you're mixing, cooking, icing or baking a dish to conjure a positive effect, stir each ingredient you add and the final mixture deosil using a magical number of circles round (3, 7, 9, etc.). Keep count. Stare into the mixture and become mesmerized by its swirling. Infuse each ingredient with the specific attribute you want it to contribute to the spell, and the total mixture with your aspirations for the overall outcome you desire it to manifest. If you're trying to banish a problem, try adding the ingredients in backward order and stirring everything widdershins. Concentrate on the ways in which the problem will disappear, and see the people concerned happy and unburdened.
  •  Whistle, or sing while you cook to alert the Gods to your efforts. Practice saying the accompanying incantation to your stirring rhythm. Set the heat to a magical number (3, 5, 7 or 9 on a burner), or a number that corresponds to your working (e.g. bake a round "sun" cake at 365 degrees). Refrigerate, age, or steep things for an magical amount of time ("21 days" is common in old recipes)
  • Be magically creative with color, design, shape, and combining dishes. Consider the moon phase's influence. Dough rises faster and higher during the waxing and full moon. Ingredients blend better during the waning phase. Consider the season and meaning of the upcoming Sabbat, using appropriate color and traditional main dish combinations as time, creativity and money allow.

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