Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The cost of living

When did the world become a jumble of bills and price tags?
When did it start to cost so darn much to live?
What happened to the days when you just traded some vegetables or a cow for the things that you didn't grow or couldn't make yourself?
Life was so much simpler 200-300 years ago.
With the addition of solar panels and batteries, composting, and smarter purchases. I hope to make it out of this crazed world of money money money and to create a place to live in which I can cut my bills by more then half. In doing so and not being so dependent on the grid of society I hope to find a happiness that right now eludes me. What all will I give up and what will I keep in my life I don't really know. I'm not going to give up blue jeans and ribbed tanks that much if for certain. Internet? no I think I will keep that as well. Satellite well if I could get my husband to give up football which is not likely to happen. Okay I will admit its not just him I might want to keep that as well but if we keep these things what do we give up? how about power and gas(no not fuel) With one wind mill and some solar panels and a lot of batteries we should be able to do with out power. and with fireplaces and a coal stove we can get rid of natural gas. with a large garden and a green house plus my husbands hunting we shouldn't need to buy a lot of food just seeds.  It is no longer cheaper to make clothing as it cost more to buy material then it does to buy three articles of clothing. okay maybe not if you shop Prada. Blankets and some linens can be made cheaper and it is something that is fun to take time to do.
I happen to enjoy fresh garden vegetables and to crochet and quilt. I love digging my hands into the earth and to create with a needle so these things will not become a problem for me. Coal however I hate hate hate but even though i am not a newspaper subscriber I receive a portion of the public announcements in my mail every week. you can compress newspaper to burn the same way coal does. Now to start saving newspapers oh man I am going to look like a hoarder before I even get them made. Next thing to do is to buy some land to start building this dream house. what you thought I already lived there nope I live in a tiny rental just like most of you. 

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