Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Making scheduals

You should create a cleaning schedule for both yourself and the entire household. i tweak mine often to make sure it fits my lifestyle but currently it looks something like this. I divided my house into four sections since my husband only works four days a week and when he is not working my schedule can be quite unpredictable. On every day of the week I have one section that i need to clean during sometime within that day. i left the days my husband was home with simple tasks that could be made up in a hour if i should not be able to get to them that day. i added laundry three times a week on days where the area that needed to be cleaned was easier and added my gardening schedule around all of that so i go out and water and weed on certain days as well.
then I picked a area of the house and put on my schedule to "deep clean" that area once a month. deep cleaning means that you move all of the couches, the refrigerator  the stove ect. So once a month on a Tuesday I deep clean the kitchen instead of just regular cleaning it like every other Tuesday.
Keeping in your schedule will help to keep everything clean.
The next thing that i do it to make a two week menu plan. I chose two week because that is how my pay periods land but you can do what ever works for you. by making a menu for everyday all i have to do i wake up look at my schedule for that day and i know everything that i need to get done. No more looking at the clock seeing that it is five pm already and not knowing what to make. this also makes it so that i can schedule dinner at the same time every day and my family all know when to be in the kitchen. I also keep a inventory of what is in my house so i don't buy duplicates. and i have a price list attached to every item in my shopping list on my phone so that i know what i am going to spend at the register before i get there.

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