Wednesday, January 23, 2013



Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being
But for most people this answer is not clear enough. I find the best way to explain Reiki is by referring to the body's own healing abilities. For example:
Imagine you cut your finger. First, it is probably bleeding, but shortly after, a crust is forming over the cut to protect it. This crust will stay on for a few days, while underneath, the cut is healing and new skin is being produced.
This shows us, that we all have the ability to heal ourselves. And as proven by quantum physics, everything is made out of energy, so are we. Reiki is nothing more than energy, which the Reiki practitioner bundles up and leads into the client's body to give the client enough energy to heal himself.
I know that this explanation is pretty long, but in my experience, this version works pretty well when I have to explain to someone the meaning or Reiki. Simply because they can relate to the finger cut and the healing process. other good examples:
Imagine, for example, that you hit your elbow. What is the first thing you do instinctively? – You place your hand on the painful spot with the strong desire that the pain would stop. And in general it happens that way. If you now imagine that you hit your elbow and are not able to place your hand on it because you are holding something, then maybe you remember that the pain lasted a lot longer than if you had put your hand there because your hand transfers some energy.
If a child falls and hurts her knee, what does she want you to do? – She wants you to kiss it to make it better.
If a child wakes up from a bad dream, what do you do? – hold her in your arms until she calms down.
If a friend is sad, we take her in or arms until she feels better.
As you can see, we are able to create change simply with our wish and strong desire to do so. We want the elbow to stop hurting. We want that the child is feeling better, we want to comfort our friend.
When you give someone Reiki, the intention is the most important tool. Should you not believe in your own abilities, the Reiki treatment won’t show the desired effect. ‘With faith you move mountains’. There is more truth to this sentence than one might think.
Each Reiki Master/Teacher will suggest a different way of preparation for an attunement. Some might for example suggest that you fast for a week, meditate every day, not consume any alcohol or meat for at least 3 days prior to the attunement instead a lot of water or tea.
A good rule of thumb is, what feels right for you, is the right way to get prepared.
Just keep one thing in mind: Reiki and Alcohol do not mix. This is true for Attunements as well as Treatments. Alcohol can increase the energy to an uncomfortable level and can greatly interfere with the healing process. This counts for the patient as well as the practitioner.
To become a Reiki Practitioner, you need to be attuned to Reiki. The first step you should take is to chose the style of Reiki you would like to learn and then find a Reiki Master in your area who teaches this style and who you feel comfortable with.
Some Reiki Masters teach Level I and Level II in one weekend. Others take at least two days for each of the two levels. The Master Level should take at least 3 days to be taught, especially if it is a Master/Teacher attunement.
To work as a practitioner, generally only Level I is needed, however it would be wise to get at least Level II to have access to the first 3 Reiki Symbols.
Depending on where you live, there are different rules and regulations for Reiki Practitioners. It is important to inform yourself about the regulations before you start your practice.
Using the Life Force Energy should be as natural as breathing. Our ancestors knew how to use it already thousands of years ago. Over the centuries, this knowledge got lost partly out of fear of prosecution by the Catholic Church. People who knew how to make use of the energies around us were crucified as witches. In the decades following, science and technology exploded and created medication and treatment options for any kind of illness or disease. This caused the natural way of healing to be forgotten.
With the rediscovery of the Live Force energy by Mikao Usui, the world was given a way to reconnect with it and use it as our ancestors have for centuries.
The Attunement is a form of an initiation in which the Reiki Master opens the auric field of the student so that the crown chakra can open up to the Reiki energy.
Generally, an attunement goes down like this:
The student is sitting on a chair, eyes closed hands put together in prayer position. (by bringing the left and right hand together in front of the heart means linking the left and right side of the brain together)
Before the Reiki Master begins with the attunement he/she will encourage the student to call upon his/her spiritual guide and any being of light he/she would like to be present for this special moment. (if the Reiki Master teaches the significance of a spiritual guide; not all practitioners do)
The Reiki Master stands behind the student, using Reiki Symbols and breathing to open the auric field and the crown, then he/she will tap the student on the should to indicate that the student should now lift his/her hands. Once the Reiki Master is done he will signal the student to lower the hands again into prayer position.
Afterwards, the Reiki Master will walk to the front of the Student and give the final blessing.
Some Reiki Masters may encourage you to talk about any experiences you may have had during the attunement, others may not. It all depends on your Reiki Master and what he was taught and what he feels is the right thing to do.
In any case, I would encourage you to write down your experiences. it can be significant later on.
Once the body is attuned to Reiki, the Student will have the ability to use Reiki for the rest of his/her life.
There are many different ways to open a blocked Chakra. Which you prefer to use is entirely up to you. Following, I listed a few techniques.
a) Singing bowls
Singing bowls are usually hand hammered brass bowls from Nepal or Tibet. They are purchasable one at a time or in a set of up to 7 bowls, one for each Chakra. During a singing bowl therapy, the therapist uses the clapper on the bowl and then immediately holds the vibrating and humming bowl above the desired Chakra. The bowl can also be placed directly on the body of the patient, as long as he agrees to it and the bowl is not too heavy.
b) Tuning forks
Tuning Forks are used in about the same way as Singing bowls. The desired fork is hit against a hard surface so that it starts humming and then immediately held near the desired area. (each Chakra resonates to one of the basic music notes)
c) Crystals
Each gem in this world has its own purpose. Therefore, each Chakra also has at least one gem that aids in balancing and opening it. Also, there are gems which are wonderful for all Chakras at the same time. One of these gems I highly recommend. The Kyanite opens all ailing Chakras simultaneously. In my opinion it is a wonderful addition to a Reiki Therapy or self healing. Once I determined with the pendulum that one or more Chakras are closed, I offer my patient a Kyanite to hold on to for the duration of the treatment. (I myself always wear a Kyanite on a necklace)
Root Chakra: black tourmaline, hematite, black and snowflake obsidian, smokey quartz, tiger’s eye
Sakral Chakra: bloodstone, carnelian, red garnet, red jasper, ruby, ruby in zoisite
Solar Plexus: aragonite, citrine, golden calcite, malachite, rhodochrosite, rutiliated quartz, pyrite, tiger’s eye, unakite
Heart Chakra: aventurine, emerald, green calcite, green tourmaline, lepidolite, malachite, malachite-crysocolla, pink calcite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rosequartz
Throat Chakra: angelite, aqua aura, aquamarine, blue agate, blue topaz, celestite, chrysocolla, larimar, turquise
Third Eye Chakra: amethyst, azurite, charoite, Hawk’s eye, kyanite, lapis, sodalite, moos agate, sugilite
Crown Chakra: clear calcite, clear quartz, danburite, herkimer
During a Reiki treatment, the practitioner can place one gem on each Charka. It is important to always cleanse the gem before and after a treatment. (e.g. place in salt water, during a full moon on the window bench, holding it under running water etc.)
d) Reiki
It is possible to open the Chakras using Reiki. The practitioner places his hands over the desired Chakra and allows for the Reiki Energy to flow into that area. (After a treatment always recheck the Chakras for their openness.)
e) Scented Oils
Each Chakra reacts to a certain scent. The practitioner can use the desired oil and places it in a heating bowl, the scent then will open the Chakra. This treatment is best used when only one or maybe two Chakras are closed. It can lead to headaches pretty quick if too many different scents are floating in the room
Root Chakra: cloves, rosemary, ginger, cypress, cedar
Sacral Chakra: ylang-ylang, sandalwood, myrrh, bitter orange, pepper, vanilla, orange (fruit)
Solar Plexus: lavender, chamomile, lemon, anise, grapefruit, fennel (liquorish)
Heart Chakra: rose, jasmine, estragon, cardamom
Throat Chakra: eucalyptus, camphor, peppermint, roman chamomile,
Third Eye Chakra: jasmine, mint, lemongrass, violet, frankincense, Basil (sweet)
Crown Chakra: frankincense, rosewood,
After a treatment always recheck the Chakras for their openness. If not, then keep on repeating this treatment until the Chakras are open.
f) Mudras
Mudras, are special hand positions, to open chakras. The Mudras have the power to send more energy to particular chakras. To enhance the effect, sounds are chanted. These sounds are from Sanskrit letters. When chanted, they cause a resonation in the body that one can feel at the chakra they are meant for. For pronunciation, keep in mind that:
the "A" is pronounced as in "ah," the "M" is pronounced as "mng."
Root Chakra: Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus. Chant the sound LAM
Sacral Chakra: Put your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touch gently. Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back). Chant the sound VAM
Solar Plexus: Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers. Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel. Chant the sound RAM
Heart Chakra: Sit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (so a bit above the solar plexus). Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart. Chant the sound YAM.
Throat Chakra: Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up. Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat. Chant the sound HAM.
Third Eye: Put your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bended and touch at the upper two phalanges, the thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops. Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows. Chant the sound OM or AUM.
Crown Chakra: Put your hands before your stomach. Let the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops. Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head. Chant the sound NG.
Warning: don't use this meditation for the Crown chakra while you don't have a strong Root chakra (you need a strong foundation first)
Reiki can be used for anything. Any situation can be 'treated' with Reiki. Let's say you are cooking, then let the Reiki energy flow into the food. It will taste better.
Do Reiki to your car before you drive.
Do Reiki before an important appointment or test in school.
Do Reiki while your friend/family member is in labour, it will help the process immensely (shorter time, less pain, less chance of complications)
Do Reiki before surgery to aid in a quicker finish and better outcome
Do Reiki after surgery to speed up recovery
Do Reiki to protect your home/property
Do Reiki to help solve a problem
the ways to use Reiki are limitless.
Following I listed some signs of a blocked Chakra.
Purpose of the first Chakra:
Physical will to be, self discovery
desires and reality, sexuality, trust, standing ones ground, repro-duction
The flowering of this chakra is the mature person who walks steadily towards their destiny
Possible signs and symptoms when this Chakra is blocked:
Body parts: central nervous systems, adrenals, lymph system, male reproduction, prostate, large intestines, coccyx, sacrum, bones, teeth, nails, legs, arms
Possible symptoms:
sciatica, constipation, ovarian, uterine, prostate, varicose vein, rectal cancer, immune disorders, hemorrhoid conditions, Disconnection community, family, or yourself. Sense of abandonment gives rise to frustration, blocked passion, emotional instability, self indulgence, insecurity, grief, loss, depression, conflict between attachment and letting go

Affirmation: "I am one with all that is. I am safe. I am loved.

Purpose of the second Chakra:
Creative reproduction, reproduction of the self self-respect
Success, sexuality, friends
the power to overcome obstacles and act with integrity
Possible sings and symptoms when this Chakra is blocked:
Body Parts: Female reproductive organs, bladder, large intestines, pelvis, buttocks, 3rd lumbar to sacrum
Possible symptoms: lumbar tension, low back and pelvic pain, sciatica, kidney and bladder infections, immune disorders, chronic fatigue, impotence, frigidity, irritable bowel, cancer and diabetes, addictions.
anxiety, fear, worry, power struggles, financial and work problems, emotional boundary issues, jealousy, mistrust

Affirmation: "I love and honor myself and all of life.

Purpose of the third Chakra:
Crafting of the self, self esteem
Will, power and fainting, ambition, decision making
power of transformation, in balance, you trust yourself and take full responsibility for your life

Signs and symptoms when this Chakra is blocked:
Body Parts: Diaphragm, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, spleen, kidney, adrenals, stomach, small intestines, rib cage, lower thoracic to 2nd lumbar
Possible Symptoms:
Respiratory, Immune, Hormonal and Digestive Systems, Ulcers, Gallstones, Heartburn, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Tumors, Anorexia, Bulimia, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Arthritis
victimization, need for approval, stress, anger, frustration, fear of responsibility, guilt, worry, doubt, commitment issues

Affirmation: "I am the powerful creator of my reality and I love it.

Purpose of the fourth Chakra:

Self-sacrifice, self love, Love, safety, love of life, power of movement.
This chakra governs the communication systems, especially the nervous system

Signs and symptoms when this Chakra is blocked:

Body Parts: Heart, circulation, lungs, rib cage, thoracic spine, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shares with the 5th chakra - arms, shoulders, hands

Possible symptoms:
Heart disease, Asthma, Lung and Breast Cancer, Thoracic spine, Pneumonia, Hypertension, Stroke, Angina, Arthritis
insensitivity, emotionally closed, passivity, depression, lack of forgiveness, loss, grief

Affirmation: "I am unconditionally loving and accepting.

Purpose of the fifth Chakra:

Resonance of being, self-portrait, Creativity, expression and speech
power of creativity and self expression

Signs and symptoms when this Chakra is blocked:

Body Parts: Mouth, teeth, gums, trachea, larynx, cervical spine, thyroid gland, shares shoulders, arms, hands and esophagus with 4th chakra)

Possible Symptoms:
throat, voice, gum, tooth problems, TMJ , thyroid conditions, catching the flu or colds, chronic infections, allergic reactions
stagnation, obsession, lack of expression, depression, indecision, fears and phobias

Affirmation: "I am the author of my life. The power of choice is mine."

Purpose of the sixth Chakra:

Self acknowledgement self responsibility, Intuition, charity, spiritual power
the seat of your Divine Consciousness

Signs and Symptoms when this Chakra is blocked:

Body Parts: Brain and nervous system, pituitary and pineal glands, eyes, ears, nose

Possible symptoms:
Headache, fuzzy thinking, brain tumors, strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal problems, panic, depression
fears, phobias, lack of focus and discipline, lacking judgment, confusion, nightmares, schizophrenia

Affirmation: "It is safe for me to see the truth."

Purpose of the seventh Chakra:

Pure being, self discovery, Physical and emotional development
the power of the infinite

Signs and Symptoms when this Chakra is blocked:

Body Parts: Cranium, top of head

Possible Symptoms:
loss of meaning, or purpose, loss of connection with the divine, closed minded, worry, depression
Musculo-skeletal system disease, skin disorders, divine discontent, depression, chronic exhaustion, hypersensitivity to light, sound and environmental stimulus

Affirmation: "I am one with the present moment."

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