Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Medicine Cabinet

I never got much work done on the medicine cabinet page on my website but here is what i did get:

Medicine Cabinet

Notice: This page is for informational purposes only. 
The Naturalistic Garden Witchen is not responsible for problems occurring from the use of the information 
in these pages. Only you can be responsible for your actions. Use this information wisely, and carefully. 
A pinch of asafoetida mixed with fresh lime water taken 2-3 times a day will help release of gas and give 
permanent relief.
Ginger Oil extracted is applied on the navel and the patient is asked to lie stright for a while. Any pain caused 
due to the digestive tract disorder  will be relieved with discharge of gas.
Chai mogra bark extract can be taken orally to assist in getting relief from acne.
sandalwood powder in pure form is the best skin treatment herb ever used. Paste made form 
sandalwood powder with rosewater can be applied on the skin for best results. 
Quercetin, a flavonoid found in apples, inhibits the body's release of histamines, allergic compounds that 
trigger increased mucus production, sneezing, and watery eyes. "Adding foods that contain quercetin to your
 child's diet may mean slightly less severe symptoms or symptoms that don't last as long," says
 Michael J. Welch, M.D., clinical professor at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.
ginseng root dried and boiled in water taken two to three times daily for a few weeks. this needs to be
 prepared fresh daily not made in large batches.
alpha lipoic acid may be used to stop the progression if caught early.
In one study seven out of ten people who were said to have Alzheimers tested positive for cronic lyme
 disease which is a disease most moderen doctors claim does not exsitst. for more info view the 
documentory "under our skin"  

Iron supplements and foods high in iron often work wonderful for people with anemia.
beets are a effective blood cleanser and may help in the treatment of anemia.
A b vitamin supplement can also work wonders on anemia. 
Take 1 tbsp. of dandelion, wormwood, hyssop or yarrow juice in water fifteen minutes before meals
Alfalfa is said to help in the reestablishment of ones appetite. 

Celery is useful in the treatment of arthritis due to its high sodium content. Its orginic sodium tends to prevent
 and relieve the arthritic joint deposits by keeping lime- and magnesia in a solution form. For optimum results,
 it should be taken in the form of freshly extracted juice, using its leaves as well as the stem.
Rosemary added to hot water and soak effected area for ten to fifteen minutes.

The most severe Back ache can be cured by using the whole seeds of Ajowan. Around 100-200 grammes 
of the seeds taken in a piece of clean cloth are heated indirecctly by placing on a container which is heated
 by direct flame.The bundle of cloth is then directly applied on the patients back as comfortable and then
 again heated and applied again .This whole process can be continued for half an hour and give instant and 
good releief for the most severe back pain.
celery leaves can be effective in breaking up the formation of bladder stones.
Henna has a cooling effect on the skin and is safe for minor burns.
almonds eaten on a empty stomach are said to help in the relief of cancer symptoms.
Blue-green algae said to have a good healing property to cancer patients.  
a diet of whole organic vegetables and colonics is said to help cleanse the body so that it may heal
alum applied to the soar will relive pain
Clove held in the mouth or applied to the soar will relive pain
applying a drop of honey to the soar and let it run out of the mouth and into a basin to wash out pain
 causing bacteria. 
Take 4 drops of agrimony tincture in water, three times daily.
Chamomile relaxes intestinal spasms and promotes a calm mental state, steep tea for five minutes cool to
 room temperature and then put in a one to two ounce bottle.
Common cold:
Research shows that chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties.Warm or very cold liquids thin out mucus
, making it easier to cough up. Plus, liquids soothe a raw throat and keep kids hydrated. Have your child 
drink ice water, cold or warm juice, or decaffeinated tea mixed with honey.Keep a cool-mist humidifier in
 your child's room to help ease stuffiness. (Warm-mist humidifiers and vaporizers are scalding hazards.)
 Bacteria and mold grow quickly, so change the water daily and thoroughly clean the unit, following the
 manufacturer's instructions. Another good option: Have your child sit in a steamy bathroom or take a 
warm shower.Elevate your child's head with an extra pillow at night so mucus can drain. For babies, raise 
the head of the cribmattress by placing a wedge or pillow under the mattress.If your child's temp is up, it's a
 sign that his immune system is working hard to fight the cold bugs -- so it's best to let a fever run its course
 unless he seems uncomfortable. The exception: If your baby is under 3 months and has a fever of 100.4
 degrees F. or higher, call your doctor. Fever in a baby can be dangerous
chronic Lyme:
There is no established cure for chronic Lyme disease. The response to treatment varies greatly from patient
 to patient. Many patients find they need to stay on antibiotics long-term (ie. years). Patients may also need
 antibiotic combos, coinfection treatments, symptomatic medications, and natural therapies. With these 
treatments some patients experience full recovery. Those who don't are left to continue the search for
 treatment options.
Probiotics are healthy bacteria in yogurt, buttermilk, some soy foods and beverages, and supplements. They
 help stop antibiotic-associated diarrhea by replacing good bacteria that are killed by the drugs. "For 
infectious diarrhea, it's believed that the good bacteria in probiotics may crowd out the bad bacteria that live
 in the digestive system or kill off the bad bugs that cause an infection," says MacKay.
Ear ache
Chewing gum stimulates the flow of saliva, which neutralizes stomach acid
High cholesterol
High Blood Sugar:
Cinnamon may have an active compound that works directly on cells to allow sugar to get inside and 
therefore lower blood sugar,
Ginger has an antispasmodic property that helps settle down the muscle contractions in the tummy that 
produce nausea," explains Dr. McClafferty. "It's a very good remedy for many sources of nausea and upset
Honey soothes irritated membranes by coating the throat, making swallowing less painfulSun Burn:The
 compounds in aloe vera speed healing by bringing fresh, oxygenated blood to the tiny blood vessels that
 feed the skin, explains Duffy MacKay, a licensed naturopath and vice president of scientific and regulatory
 affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition, in Washington, D.C. This helps your body repair the
 sunburned skin more quickly. Aloe vera also acts as a moisturizer, and skin wounds of all kinds 
(including burns) need moisture to heal.

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