Wednesday, February 20, 2013

fat loss at the table.

This page is called "fat loss at the table" because that is where fat loss needs to happen is at 
the table. yes you need exercise as well but i am not a personal trainer nor do i know your health
 so I am not going to advise you on a exercise routine. Instead talking about things to not eat 
and things to eat to boost fat loss should help most anyone who needs to shed some fat. 

Weather you are fat or not (more then your personal opinion) is calculated by your BMI or body 
mass index. 
your body mass index is determined by taking into consideration both a person's body weight and height to
 determine whether they are underweight, overweight or at a healthy weight. An adult who is considered "overweight" has
 a BMI somewhere between 25 and 29.9. An adult with a BMI of at least 30 is considered "obese." This measurement is 
used because it's typically a good indicator of body fat.
Fat  tissue, is found in several places in your body. Generally, fat is found underneath your skin (subcutaneous fat).
 There's also some on top of each of your kidneys In addition to fat tissue, some fat is stored in the liver, and an even 
smaller amount in muscle.
Where fat is concentrated in your body depends upon whet her you are a man or woman:
  • An adult man tends to carry body fat in his chest, abdomen and buttocks, producing an "apple" shape.
  • An adult woman tends to carry fat in her breasts, hips, waist and buttocks, creating a "pear" shape.
Fat cells are formed in the developing fetus during the third trimester of pregnancy, and later at the onset of puberty It is 
during puberty that the differences in fat distribution between men and women begin to take form. One amazing fact is
 that fat cells generally do not generate after puberty -- as your body stores more fat, the number of fat cells remains the 
same. Each fat cell simply gets bigger! (There are two exceptions: the body might produce more fat cells if an adult gains
 a significant amount of weight or has liposuction performed.)

The human body contains two types of fat tissue:
  • White fat is important in energy metabolism, heat insulation and mechanical cushioning.
  • Brown fat is found mostly in newborn babies, between the shoulders, and is important for thermogenesis 
  • (making heat). Since adult humans have little to no brown fat, we'll concentrate on white fat.(resent studies 
  • suggest that the brown fat in adults is there but is inactive)
When you eat food that contains fat, mostly triglycerides, it goes through your stomach and intestines. In the intestines, 
the following happens: 
  1. Large fat droplets get mixed with bile saltsfrom the gall bladder in a process called emulsification. The 
  2. mixture breaks up the large droplets into several smaller droplets called micelles, increasing the fat's
  3.  surface area.
  4. The pancreas secretes enzymes calledlipases that attack the surface of each micelle and break the fats 
  5. down into their parts,glycerol and fatty acids.
  6. These parts get absorbed into the cells lining the intestine.
  7. In the intestinal cell, the parts are reassembled into packages of fat molecules (triglycerides) with a protein 
  8. coating called chylomicrons. The protein coating makes the fat dissolve more easily in water.
  9. The chylomicrons are released into the lymphatic system -- they do not go directly into the bloodstream 
  10. because they are too big to pass through the wall of the capillary.
  11. The lymphatic system eventually merges with the veins, at which point the chylomicrons pass into the 
  12. bloodstream.
When you eat a candy bar or a meal, the presence of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids in the intestine stimulates the
 pancreas to secrete a hormone called insulin. Insulin acts on many cells in your body, especially those in the liver, 
muscle and fat tissue. Insulin tells the cells to do the following:
  • Absorb glucose, fatty acids and amino acids
  • Stop breaking down:
    • glucose, fatty acids and amino acids
    • glycogen into glucose
    • fats into fatty acids and glycerol
    • proteins into amino acids
  • Start building:
    • glycogen from glucose
    • fats (triglycerides) from glycerol and fatty acids
    • proteins from amino acids
The fatty acids are then absorbed from the blood into fat cells, muscle cells and liver cells. In these cells, under 
stimulation by insulin, fatty acids are made into fat molecules and stored as fat droplets.
It is also possible for fat cells to take up glucose and amino acids, which have been absorbed into the bloodstream after
 a meal, and convert those into fat molecules. The conversion of carbohydrates or protein into fat is 10 times less 
efficient than simply storing fat in a fat cell, but the body can do it. If you have 100 extracalories in fat (about 11 grams) 
floating in your bloodstream, fat cells can store it using only 2.5 calories of energy. On the other hand, if you have 100 
extra calories in glucose (about 25 grams) floating in your bloodstream, it takes 23 calories of energy to convert the 
glucose into fat and then store it. Given a choice, a fat cell will grab the fat and store it rather than the carbohydrates 
because fat is so much easier to store.
When you are not eating, your body is not absorbing food. If your body is not absorbing food, there is little insulin in the 
blood. However, your body is always using energy; and if you're not absorbing food, this energy must come from internal
 stores of complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Under these conditions, various organs in your body secrete 
  • pancreas - glucagon
  • pituitary gland - growth hormone
  • pituitary gland - ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
  • adrenal gland - epinephrine (adrenaline)
  • thyroid gland - thyroid hormone
These hormones act on cells of the liver, muscle and fat tissue, and have the opposite effects of insulin.
When you are not eating,not eating the right foods, or you are exercising, your body must draw on its internal energy 
stores. Your body's prime source of energy is glucose. In fact, some cells in your body, such as brain cells, can get 
energy only from glucose. however if your body needs to it will also break down what ever easy protein it can find to
 provide energy during times of not eating, and exercise. which is why most athletes will drink protein shakes or eat
 protein bars as soon as possible after a work out. 
Now that you know a little about how your body works to store fat. lets look at the 
ways to make your body not store fat, make your body burn that fat, and how to raise
 your metabolism so that you burn more fat when just sitting around. 
Lets start with fat. most of us have been told to loose fat we need to not eat fat, well if you don't eat any fat at all why 
would your body want to get ride of that emergency store of energy if it has nothing to replace it with? The key is in eating
 the right fat and not the kind that will cause heart disease. 
Not all fats are created equal 
Lets start with something almost all people think is good for them Margarine.

Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people 
who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together
 to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back. It was a white substance with
 no food appeal so they added the yellow coloring and sold it to people to use in place of butter.
 How do you like it? They have come out with so many clever new flavorings...
DO YOU KNOW.. The difference between margarine and butter?
Both have the same amount of calories. Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams
 compared to 5 grams.
Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount 
of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.
Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods. Butter has many 
nutritional benefits where margarine has a few Only because they are added! Butter tastes 
much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavors of other foods. Butter has been 
around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years
And now, for Margarine...
Very high in Trans fatty acids Triple risk of coronary heart disease Increases total cholesterol
and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol)
 Increases the risk of cancers up to five fold. L owers quality of breast milk. Decreases
 immune response. Decreases insulin response.
And here's the most disturbing fact....
Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC..
This fact alone was enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is
 hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the
substance). You can try this yourself:
Purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or shaded area.
Within a couple of days you will note a couple of things:
* no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something)
* it does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value nothing will grow on it. 
Even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not find a home to grow. Why? Because it is 
nearly plastic Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast? I don't think so. 
Now i'm not saying that because It is better then margarine for you that you should eat large
 amounts of it. a half a table spoon at each meal is more then enough for your day.
Okay so butter is the better choice. and so are some other good fats for you like whole eggs,
 coconut oil, olive oil, avocadoes, and raw nuts.
Whole eggs are packed with good for you fats and lots of vitamins you need. Most of this is in
 the yolk, so if you are removing the yolk then you are taking out the part of the food that is good
 for you and your left eating empty food. Empty food is food with not nutritional value, there is no
real need to eat this food but that you think your taste buds want it. 
Raw nuts are a excellent snack food but try to find them both raw and organic, you need to eat
 them raw instead of roasted other wise the chemical compound in the fats change and they
 are not as good for you any more. Nuts are a source of fat that is good for you and good for
 your heart because by eating this fat you add a good fat to your body so that your body can 
get ride of that bad fat.
Avocados are a fruit, they grow on a tree, nature provides them, tell me how these can be bad
 for you? There not avocados are full of good fats and vitamins and minerals for you. try for two
 a week.
Coconut oil is the same principle and it is actually the best oil for you to use when frying things 
at high temperature.

Lets move to the nest biggest thing people worry about when trying to loose weight. Carbs
Just like there are good for you fats and bad for you fats there are also good and bad carbs.
 A bad carb is one with low or no nutritional value naturally. meaning that it has not been added 
White flour and there by white bread are bad carbs. all of the good for you stuff has been striped
 off the wheat grain and then the grain is polished up and sold to you or ground up into flour.
 White rice is also a bad carb. there by anything made fro these are also bad carbs. 
Good carbs are like whole wheat flour and the things made from it. brown rice and the things
 made form it. Vegetable are a great source of good carbs yes veggies have carbs. any diet
like the Atkins diet that limits the amount of vegetables you can have is most defiantly not good
 for you. 
the next thing that needs to be talked about with carbs is glycemic index. this is a way to 
measure how much of the food that you eat turns into sugar and there by fat in your body. 
Wheat has the highest glycemic count of all the grains you might eat. a better bet for a skinny
 waist line is brown rice, whole grain spelt, millet, and quinoa. these all have a lower glycemic
 index then wheat and are full of nutrients. 

Then next topic to talk about is calories. everyone is obsessed with calorie counting it seams.
 The simple fact is that food has calories and if it has no calories then it is not a food and
 should not be ate. Think about it, all of the foods that have a no calorie claim on them are man 
made. nature can and will 
provide what is best for use and man is just a meddler and should not mess with the food that 
you eat. Lets look at a no caloire soft drink or soda pop. beyond water, flavoring, and really 
really bad for you carbonation, they add a no calorie sweetener instead of a natural sweetener.
 these no calorie sweeteners are also in the diet soft drinks and are marketed to the diabetic 
claiming to be of help to them.   No caloire sweeteners may also be called artificial sweeteners.  
The mayo clinic on artificial sweeteners:
Artificial sweeteners are synthetic sugar substitutes but may be derived from naturally occurring
 substances, including herbs or sugar itself. Artificial sweeteners are also known as intense 
sweeteners because they are many times sweeter than regular sugar.

Artificial sweeteners currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are:
Acesulfame potassium (Sunett, Sweet One)
Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet)
Saccharin (SugarTwin, Sweet'N Low)
Sucralose (Splenda)FDA approval is being sought for other artificial sweeteners. And some
 sweeteners, such as cyclamate, are not approved in the United States but are approved for
 use in other countries.

Artificial sweeteners have been the subject of intense scrutiny for decades. Critics of artificial
 sweeteners say that they cause a variety of health problems, including cancer. That's largely
 because of studies dating to the 1970s that linked saccharin to bladder cancer in laboratory
 rats. Because of those studies, saccharin once carried a warning label that it may be 
hazardous to your health.

Does this sound like something that you really want to put into your body? I sure don't.
Now just because all food needs to have calories does not mean you should not payattention to
 how many calories you eat. 
A calorie may be defined as the energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water 
one degree so  we are really talking about with calories is how much energy our bodies are 
taking in to heat up. 
Now lets talk about some foods to help you:
To much of any food can make you gain weight. but there are some foods that might be able to 
help you burn more calories, raise your metabolism, or burn fat. granted that the increase or 
decrease that the food is giving you will not make you loose weight or tone your body on there 
Apples yes a apple a day keeps the doctor away. but more specifically apples are loaded with 
fiber that keeps us fuller longer and cleans us out two great reasons to eat a apple everyday.
berries are such small little things with a big punch. depending on the berry they can help with 
everything from cleansing your body the helping with weight loss to even battling cancer.
Calcium  I bet you seen those commercials telling you that women who drink milk are slimmer well
 it turns out that it has nothing to do with the milk but with the calcium so here is a little secret. most 
of the calcium in milk your body wont absorb. That's right if you want the slimming benefits of 
calcium your better off with plant sources like broccoli.
Oats fill you up and keep you full helping you to not grab that donut on your way to work and there 
great for your heart so have organic oatmeal for breakfast with butter and maple syrup.
Cayenne chilies one spicy meal a day can boost metabolism up to 25%. but i cant really say 
how long that lasts.
Green tea yes it really works just not on the scale advertised by those diet pill companies. if you
 like tea a even better choice for fat burning would be
Oolong Tea oolong tea can help you burn up to 300 times more fat in a day as green tea. but it
 does not have as many of the other health benefits as green tea so try a cup of both everyday.
Coffee  is the number one best known source of caffeine. caffeine makes your heart beat faster 
which in turn makes you burn more calories a day but not to many more and it just doesn't seem
 like a good reason to make my heart run faster. don't drink more then one cup of organic coffee
 (or non organic) a day that much caffeine is really not good.
Beans those magical fruit, full of good for you stuff.(now if they just tasted better and didn't make
 you (as the song says) "toot"
Cabbage many great reasons to eat it including that it is a great cancer preventer.
Grapefruit. high in pectin which break down fat cells also high in galacturunic acid which fights fat
 and helps cholesterol. (hmm looks like the grapefruit diet might have been on to something) so low
 in carbs that you could eat as may as you like a day.(with in reason of course)
Apricots high in beta carotene which flushes out fat and waste products.
Beets cleans blood cells and washes away fatty deposits also cleanses liver and kidneys.

There are so many diets out there promising the over weight American that they will get you your
 best body. there are even more exercise programs that make the same promise but if you really 
want to push your weight loss to the max why not use both diet and exercise programs and then
 add to it natural aids like plants veggies and herbs.
Here is a short list of things that can aid you in weight loss and the reason for most of them.

Cayenne: Stimulates digestion and increases metabolism and fat burning.
          There is much debate on the subject but some scientist say that hot food warm up your core
 tempreature enough that they will help shed pounds.

Green Tea: Stimulates metabolism

Seaweed: or kelp are thyroid stimulants

Nettle: Thermogenic herb.

Ginseng: boost energy and metabolism

Fish oil: omega 3 fatty acids help change your body from storing fat to burning it for energy. take 
1000-2000mg daily.

Guggul gum: helps body metabolize fat and improves thyroid function.

Dandelion: Aids fat metabolism by affecting the liver

Zinfandel Wine: contains saponins

Chick Peas: High in saponins

Virgin pressed olive oil: contains saponins.

Garcinia Cantbogia: Aids fat metabolism and reduces hunger

Flax Seed: A bulk laxative that helps curb hunger

Fennel: A diuretic that reduces hunger and improves energy

Cinnamon: Creates a thermogenic burn

Chickweed: break down fat molecules

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